Learning Objectives Odd Man Out:

To understand and isolate,

The odd item not forming part of the rest of items based on their characteristics and reasoning.

We are providing previous year questions for Odd man out category. Suggesting you to go through the below questions before taking any online test.

Previous year questions:

In the following number series only one is wrong. Find out the wrong one.

1.            11           16           23           29           37           46           56

A. 16                      B. 23                      C. 29                      D. 37                      E. 46

Ans: B

Solution: The given series is +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10…….

2.            217         216         212         203         187         151         126

A. 216                    B. 212                    C. 203                    D. 187                    E. 151

Ans: E   

Solution: The given series is -(1 square), -(2 square), -(3 square), -(4 square) ……

3. Find the odd one from the following:

A. Harddisk         B. RAM                 C. Monitor          D. CPU                  E. Windows XP

Ans: E

Solution: Windows XP is the operating system where as others related to computer parts.

4. Mark the odd pair:

A. Nice - Good   B. Beautiful – Ugly           C. Praise – Blame             D. Fat – Thin

Ans: A

Solution: Right side the synonym for left word in option A but rest is antonyms.

5. Select the odd man out:

A. Hyderabad    B. Itanagar          C. Patna               D. Mysore           E. Trivandrum

Ans: D

Solution: All are capital cities except Mysore.

6. Select the odd man out:

A. Cricket             B. Volleyball       C. Billiards            D. Fencing           E. Base ball

Ans: D

Solution: All are names of games except fencing.

7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.  Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

A. India                 B. Asia                   C. Antarctica       D. Australia         E. Europe

Ans. A

Solution: Others are continents

8. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.  Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

A. Tyre                  B. Speed              C. Clutch              D. Brake               E. Gear

Ans. B

Sol: Other options are parts of vehicle