Average - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example

Average - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example- Welcome to freeonlinetest online exam portal, here you will get 20+ Average questions with Answers. Before proceeding test please read the tricks carefully, so that you can solve these questions easily.

Average Trick:1

The average age of a group of N students is 'T' years. 1. If 'n' students join, the average age of the group increases by 't' years,

Average age of new students $= T + ({N}/n + 1)t$

Average Trick:2

If the given observations (x) are occuring with certain frequency (A) then,

Average = ${A_1x_1 + A_2x_2 + A_3x_3 +...+ A_nx_n}/{x_1 + x_2 +...+ x_n}$ where, $A_1, A_2, A_3, ... A_n$ are frequencies

Average Trick:3

If in the group of N persons, a new person comes at the place of a person of 'T' years, so that average age, increases by 't' years

Then, the age of the new person = T + N.t

If the average age decreases by 't' years after entry of new person,

Then, the age of the new person = T – N.t

Test instructions :

  • Total number of questions : 20
  • Each question carries 1 mark
  • Negative marks of Each Questions: 0.25
  • Skiping questions No marks will deduct.
  • Time allotted : 30 minutes