Gender School And Society Practice Test

Gender School And Society Practice Test is an essential component of the B.Ed. exam. It is a test designed to assess the understanding of prospective teachers on gender-related issues and their impact on school and society. This test is crucial as teachers have a significant role to play in shaping the minds of young learners and can contribute to creating a gender-sensitive and inclusive environment.

The Gender School And Society Practice Test covers topics such as gender stereotypes, gender roles, gender discrimination, and the impact of these on educational outcomes. It also explores the role of teachers in promoting gender equity in schools and society.

Prospective teachers taking this test will be required to demonstrate an understanding of gender-related issues and their impact on learning outcomes. They will also be evaluated on their ability to identify and challenge gender stereotypes and promote gender equity in their teaching practices.

The Gender School And Society Practice Test is an essential tool for preparing prospective teachers to create a safe and inclusive learning environment. It enables teachers to develop an understanding of gender-related issues and equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote gender equity and challenge gender stereotypes in their teaching practices. By doing so, teachers can play an instrumental role in creating a more equitable and inclusive society


Click below link on Gender School And Society MCQ Mock Test


Test instructions :

  • Total number of questions : 20
  • Each question carries 1 mark
  • Negative marks of Each Questions: 0.25
  • Skiping questions No marks will deduct.
  • Time allotted : 30 minutes