Work and Wages Practice Test | Math & Aptitude

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Work and Wages is an important topic in Aptitude for Competitive exams, In this section you will get some formulas, and tricks.

Some tricks are listed below, practice these tricks for your upcoming exams

1) Total wages = Wages of 1 day work × Total number of days

2) If P can do a piece of work in x days and Q can do the same work in y days, the ratio of their wages will be y : x. Then the wages earned by P and Q will be

$ \text"P's wages" = {\text"Total wages"}/{(x + y)} × y $

$ \text"Q's wages" = {\text"Total wages"}/{(x + y)} × x $

3)  If P, Q and R can do a piece of work in x, y and z days respectively, the ratio of their wages will be yz : xz : xy. Then, wages earned by P, Q and R respectively will be

$ \text"P's wages" = {\text"Total wages"}/{(xy + yz + zx)} × yx $

$ \text"Q's wages" = {\text"Total wages"}/{(xy + yz + zx)} × xz $

$ \text"R's wages" = {\text"Total wages"}/{(xy + yz + zx)} × xy $

4) P can do a piece of work in x days. With the help of Q, P can do the same work in y days. If they get ₹ a for that work, then

$ \text"Share of P" =  {ay}/{x}$

$ \text"Share of Q" = {a( x - y )}/{x}$

5) P, Q and R undertake to do a work for ₹ a. If together they do only $x/y$ of the work and rest is done by R alone, then

$ \text"Share of R" = a (1 - {x}/{y} ) $

Practice Test for Competitive Exams

Work and wages online test Online Test - 1 (work and wages) TAKE TEST

Number of questions : 20  |  Time : 30 minutes

Work and wages online test Online Test - 2 (work and wages) TAKE TEST

Number of questions : 20  |  Time : 30 minutes

Work and wages online test Online Test - 3 (work and wages) TAKE TEST

Number of questions : 20  |  Time : 30 minutes