

What is India's rank among 55 leading global economies on the International IP Index, as per the report released by the U.S. Chambers of Commerce?
  • 20th
  • 40th
  • 35th
  • 42nd
Answer- D
The U.S. Chambers of Commerce has released the International IP Index, where India has been ranked 42nd among 55 leading global economies. The United States, the UK, and France have secured the top three positions in the 2023 index.

As per the report, India's size and economic influence on the world stage are growing. India has the potential to become a leader for emerging markets looking to transform their economies through IP-driven innovation.

India has implemented measures to enhance enforcement against copyright infringement and provides a framework that promotes better understanding and utilization of IP assets. It is recognized for its best-in-class framework for promoting and enabling IP commercialization.