

Which language did Anil Awachat write in?
  • Malayalam
  • Telugu
  • Gujarati
  • Marathi
Answer- D
1) Anil Awachat, a celebrated author and social activist in the Marathi language, has passed away. In 1986, he established Muktangan Rehabilitation Center, a de-addiction facility located in Pune. Awachat was renowned for his various Marathi literary works, including "Manasa," "Swatahavishayi," "Gard," "Karyarat," "Karyamagna," and "Kutuhalapoti."

2) During the early 1970s, he served as the editor of the well-known Marathi magazine "Sadhana," which included his incisive articles on social concerns, particularly his coverage of the 1972 drought that severely impacted Maharashtra. He has authored numerous books, such as "Kondmara" (1985), which deals with Dalit violence, and "Dharmik" (1989), an insightful revelation about the prevalence of fake godmen in Maharashtra.